Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Hi all! Ha, I just imagined Professor Greyrose shouting out the post title.

Anyway, as the title suggests, I have been rather busy in the Spiral the past couple afternoons, catching up on Creature badges I have been putting off for a while between Celestia, Wintertusk, and finishing my Marleybone badge set (still have Crusher Crusher left to get). I'd been putting of Crab Alley till I completed Wintertusk, and had planned on doing that, but of course writing about badges put me in the mood to, like I mentioned in my last post, do some Spiral exploration and return to places I hadn't been in a while. I only completed two Creature badges -Elementalist and Bird Watcher- but with only a handful of Creature badges (and badges in general) left, and all recently progressed, I feel accomplished. Not to mention that all of my remaining Creature badge values currently end in zero- so they're all nice and round and easy to look at :) With Elementalist out of the way, I'm now looking to get Spiderbane or Blood of the Giants. Both are relatively easy, with low level mobs for efficient accumulation, and provide reason for me to visit locations I would otherwise almost never set foot in- Cyclops Lane, the Palace of Fire, the Grand Arena. Let nostalgia reign!

Yesterday afternoon, however, was pretty much devoted to adventuring in Mooshu and Dragonspyre, with some in lesser-visited areas of Grizzleheim and Celestia on the side. I snapped a few pictures; I wish I had thought to do so earlier, so I could have created a more complete collection of my recent in-game affairs, but at least now I'll remember for next time :)

Displaying my Elementalist Badge proudly

Finishing an Ice spell against some Draconians, Plaza of Conquests

Forming a Star seal, Cave of Solitude

Forming an Ice seal, Tatakai Outpost

Frost Giant freezing some bacon for me for later use, Tatakai Outpost

That's it for today! I should have the second Extracurricular Activities: Part 2 up Friday or Saturday; the same goes for Part 3 the next week, and Part 4 the week after that.

Until then, Ponder on!


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