Hello! My name is Duncan Daystone. After much deliberation, I have finally decided that maintaining a blog would be a fun and healthy activity to engage in. The page you are now viewing is the result (for now) of that deliberation. In this, my first post, I would like to begin by saying a little bit about myself.
First off, I am a nerd. And that's fine. I couldn't care less. I believe that the majority of what we, as humans, concern ourselves with are in fact extremely unimportant in the grand scheme of life. And there is nothing wrong with that, for that is what makes us human. I believe what best exemplifies my nerdiness is my passion for difficult scientific subjects, such as chemistry and physics. At my high school, I am part of a special program where I am studying to become an engineer, so it is my hope that I may be greatly involved with one of these fields someday.
Second, a major passion of mine, and the one which I am using as my platform for this blog, is Wizard101, an immensely popular MMO from Kingsisle Entertainment. I will talk about this the most. If you are unfamiliar with the game, then take my word for it- it is absolutely fantastic! Check it out here.
I enjoy other PC games as well, most of which are disc games as opposed to online ones. From time to time, I may talk about some of the other games I enjoy, such as Trainz or The Clockwork Man.
As you may have noticed from the two links above, two other major passions that I have include Railroading and Steampunk, both of which I may also talk about from time to time.
I also love to write. I have always wanted to create fiction, but I have not until recently actually honed my talent. I may put some of my pieces up on here; however, much of what I write is not necessarily appropiate for some of the younger people who may be viewing the blog.
Finally, I love to think, and I love to develop opinions on as much as possible. It is mainly for this reason that I came to the decision to create a blog. Thinking and pondering is just as much a passion of mine as Wizard101. I am a philosopher. (A term which translates from Greek as "lover of thought.") Much of what I post will be devoted to sharing my thoughts with the world, something I have always wanted to do.
I also wish to be part of a growing, thriving community, and there is no better community on the Internet than that of Wizard101, as evidenced recently by Autumn Duskhunter's "8-bit Trials" on Homework in a Graveyard.
It is my hope that my thoughts and experiences will be a springboard of sorts for those who read my blog to conduct their own pondering, and do a bit of philosophizing themselves.
As such, I end my first post by presenting readers with a question: Have you thought today?
Until next time, Ponder On!
Me, Duncan Daystone
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