Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ravenwood Motto


So right now I'm trying to decide whether my next post should be a review of one of the many amazing (and some not-so amazing) music tracks to be heard in Wizard101, or of one of the world wallpapers. In the meantime, I present you with a translation of Ravenwood's motto: Veneficus Iunctum. En Magus Nos Fides.

It translates as: "Wizards join. In magic we trust." Not too difficult.

Latin is a bit of a hobby of mine. I've studied it in school for three years (getting ready for a fourth), and I'm pretty good at it :)

I was going to translate the Pigswick motto as well, but I couldn't find a banner that I could easily read anywhere. The words were not very legible in any of the pics I took. I love how the motto is a Pig Latin version of Latin, though. Very clever.

Until then, Ponder on!

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